ISSUE.2) We now only send valid HTTP(s) over HTTP(s) ports.

I understand the reasoning but I do not believe this should be limited to ports 80 and 443. By doing so we render the protocol difficult to use as many (if not most) custom services would need to run on another port to avoid conflict with the primary webserver. I understand the logic for large public sites where "fascist firewalls" might prohibit other ports but for custom services (ie, remote-control, telnet emulation or accounting access) used within a company network this would be a real pain (requiring setup of reverse proxy or dedicated server). This would make a mockery of the whole premise of implementing services using "a few lines of perl".

Limiting to ports 80 and 443 doesn't really solve the security issues anyway. Many firewall/routers can be configured on this port and denial-of-service is just as effective (or more) against port 80 as any other port. The new proposal to use HTTP headers effectively allows arbitrary (in length and content) strings to be sent to any port 80 device without informing the user. This would allow a popular page (say a facebook profile or banner ad) to perform massive DOS against web servers using visitors browsers without any noticeable feedback (though I guess this is also true of current HTTPXMLRequestObjects).

I propose that there be requirements that limit the amount and type of data a client can send before receiving a valid server response. The requirements should limit:
* Length of initial client handshake
* Encoding of characters to those valid in URIs (ie, no arbitrary binary data)
* Number or retries per URI
* Number of simultaneous connections
* Total number of connection attempts per script domain  (to all URIs)

There should also be a recommendation that UAs display some form of status feedback to indicate a background connection is occurring.

HIXIE.3) No existing SMTP server (or any non-TCPConnection server) is going
to send back the appropriate handshake response.

It is always possible that non-http services are running on port 80. One logical reason would be as a workaround for strict firewalls. So the main defense against abuse is not the port number but the handshake. The original TCP Connection spec required the client to send only "Hello\n" and the server to send only "Welcome\n". The new proposal complicates things since the server/proxy could send any valid HTTP headers and it would be up to the UA to determine their validity. Since the script author can also inject URIs into the handshake this becomes a potential flaw. Consider the code:

tcp = TCPConnection('http://mail.domain.ext/\\r\\nHELO HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\\r\\n' )

HELO HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n

250 mail.domain.ext Hello \r\n
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n
[], pleased to meet you

As far as a naive UA and mail server is concerned we have now issued a valid challenge and received a valid response (albeit with some unrecognised/malformed headers). The parsing rules will need to be very strict to prevent this kind of attack. Limiting to port 80 reduces the number of target servers but does not prevent the attack (or others like it).

It may be that simply stripping newlines and non-ascii from URIs is all that's required since most text-based protocols are line oriented anyway. It depends largely on how OPTIONS and CONNECT are interpreted.

One last thing. Does anybody know how async communication would affect common proxies (forward and reverse)? I imagine they can handle large amounts of POST data but how do they feel about a forcibly held-open by-directional communication that never calls POST or GET? How would caches respond without expires or max-age headers? Would this hog threads causing apache/squid to stop serving requests? Would this work through Tor?


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