David Gerard schrieb:
Ignoring IE, Firefox 3.1 will have this Just Work. So, as I said,
it'll be a process of them deciding whether there are business reasons
to come along at their leisure.

Yes, business reasons are usually indeed good reasons for businesses ;-)

The second-biggest browser vendor choosing Theora may or may not give a good business reason for other vendors to reevaluate the balance between benefits and perceived risks.

If for sure welcome the stance of Mozilla and Opera to support royality-free-for-any-purpose formats and I hope other vendors will follow this path.

Perhaps it makes sense to discuss ways to make installation of 3rd party
media components as easy as one simple click to ensure a reasonably
user-friendly cross-platform media experience.

That's an implementation detail on their end, really.

Yes, but perhaps this implementation detail may lessen the impact of IP concerns if they are genuine and thus increase the chance that the codec question is resolved in a cross-browser way.


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