At 12:23  -0700 7/08/08, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
I don't think turning sound off is a good idea.

well, the alternative is throwing a Not_supported error and not even showing the video. So, I still feel that for a/v movies, reversing the sound should be permitted but not required.

This feature would be used to implement "scrubing". Like what you see in Non-Linear Editors... for making movies, etc. (I.e., grabbing the "position handle" of the player, and moving it forwards and backwards through the video, and varying speeds, to find what you are looking for.)

In those types of applications, the audio is on. And it is important for usability, for the video editor to hear the sound.

If it's important to the user, they should use a browser which implements it.
David Singer

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