Also sprach Kornel Lesinski:

 > > It's not a link. I'd like for buttons to work as links so that they
 > > take me to a page when I click on them.
 > a {appearance: button} should do that.

Yes, that's a good proposal. However, it doesn't work in current browsers.

This markup works (in Mozilla, Opera, Webkit), and it looks pretty good:

  <a href="";><button>W3C</button></a>

So, I think HTML5 should describe it.

 > In current browsers:
 > <form method="get" action="url" style="display:inline"><button/><form>
 > is very close to a link.

Yes, this works:

  <form action=""; style="display:inline"><button 

But, the markup isn't pretty. Also, I'd like for links to use the <a>

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª

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