Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 26 Nov 2008, Julian Reschke wrote:
Do you have a concrete example where the login form is complex in a manner where the fields can't be identified and there is reason to believe that a bot will want to authenticate but won't have been given enough information to do so?
Well, it was you stating that the form could be arbitrarily complex.

It can, yes. HTML allows arbitrarily complex forms, and we don't want to limit login forms to just two fields and a button. (I regularly log in to systems where the login forms are two text fields and a checkbox, or two text fields and a drop down, or five or so text fields. But in none of these cases would I personally expect a bot to ever have my credentials.)

Yes. So wouldn't it make sense to address the common use case so that it doesn't require the "bot" (the non-HTML UA) to parse the response body?

BR, Julian

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