Christian Svindseth wrote:

On Feb 4, 2009, at 11:23 AM, Robert O'Rourke wrote:

Unless I'm misreading the spec completely, HTML5 supports h1-h6, and even header elements inside list items.


I know that, I was referring to the <lh> element ie.

  <lh>A header for the list</lh>
  <li>List item</li>
  <li>List item</li>
  <li>List item</li>

Ah, I see. Sorry about that.

My first thought is that allowing the existing header elements directly inside the ul would make more sense, but I could be missing something.

There doesn't seem to be any significant semantic difference between the lh element and the ones already in the spec.


No problem. It's true they're not too different but there are cases where you may want a heading on a list but it doesn't necessarily constitute a tier of the document on it's own. It's my understanding that <h1> - <h6> are more for structure. Perhaps if <h1> to <h6> were allowed immediately inside of a list it would be useful to HTML authors anyway but <lh> would be semantically perfect for the job and also provide a dicrete element away from other headers for styling. Thought it was worth suggesting here anyway.


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