On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 22:09:16 +0100, Hans Schmucker <hansschmuc...@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like an attack, I really just
meant to say that this (for me) belongs more into HTML5, which deals
primarily with the user agent, than into the CORS spec, which more or
less focuses on the server side and the communication between server
and client.

I don't think anyone is disagreeing with that.

So, where would you put it? The problem for me is that there's no
logical grouping of elements that load offsite resources (like img,
script, link, video, ...) where one could add the necessary
attributes. All off them descend directly from HTMLElement. So there
would be two routes: Either making all elements that load offsite data
descend from a common HTMLRemotelyFedElement interface (which seems
like the right way to do things, but it's also IMHO completely
unrealistic as it would either require reworking the DOM top to bottom
or including ugly hacks) or adding the necessary attributes to
HTMLElement itself... which seems like asking for trouble.

Why does the DOM need to get involved here?

Then there's the (IMHO) despicable way of just writing a random
chapter about it and referencing that chapter in the spec wherever
appropriate. Feels very, very wrong, but I don't think we have much
choice here.

I don't see how this is wrong. Since the exact semantics of a cross-origin request vary per API anyway grouping the common things somewhere makes sense to me. (E.g. EventSource would completely fail in case the resource sharing check fails where as an image would still be displayed.)

Anne van Kesteren

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