Smylers wrote:
  <ol start=H2SO4>
    <li>Acid test

That should cause parsing an integer to abort and so the default of
start=1 to be used.  Opera, Links, and W3M get that right.  Konqueror,
Dillo, and Lynx all also seem to manage the aborting, but use a default
of zero instead.  Firefox parses the "2" out of "H2SO4"

In Firefox, if the string doesn't "look like an integer" we end up calling some code that crazy-permissive string-to-integer parsing (which in particular skips over "leading garbage"). We plan to stop doing that, for what it's worth.

seemingly using
the first integer it can find in the attribute, so possibly isn't
special-casing "+".

There is no special-casing of '+' in the non-crazy-permissive code, correct. That can be fixed, though.


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