On 26.6.09 13:52, Michael Nordman wrote:
There isn't a way to determine if the WebSocket is successfully sending
the postMessage data? For all the caller knows, its just backing up and
not going anywhere.

You can't really know data has been successfully sent until you get a response that 
acknowledges it.  Getting it "on the wire" doesn't mean it'll actually be 
received; I'm not really sure how much value knowing that's happened actually has, other 
than for doing network diagnostics (which hardly seems a use case to support).

postMessage() may want another exception condition... 'too much data
pending exception'... consider calling postMessage in a while(true)
loop... at some point the system is going to have to give up queing the
data if its not actually making its way out on the wire.

Nothing prevents the data from being thrown in a FIFO queue until it actually 
can be sent, and I don't see a reason why OOM in the event queueing failed 
should be handled differently from any other OOM.


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