I think a lot of the concerns previously re: fullscreen have focused around
the notion that a user somehow ends up in the fullscreen mode without
knowing it, and is therefore susceptible to spoofing. This proposal leaves
the act of going into fullscreen at the discretion of the user agent instead
of script (the UA provides some mechanism, presumably, that the user would
have to go through), which to me seems to side-step these problems. I know
we looked at using CSS to do this previous (media: projection) but as I
recall it ended up having a number of issues that in practice caused
problems. Peter Kasting looked at it if I recall, he could probably give
better background info.

2009/8/4 Henry Bridge <hbri...@google.com>

> With the video tag and web games gaining traction, it seems like there
> should be a way for apps to provide fullscreen and better control schemes to
> users.  Of course, spoofing and clickjacking are major concerns, but I liked
> Alpha Omega's suggestion a few weeks ago [1] to specify a "fullscreenable"
> attribute to certain elements that hint to the UA that the object would be
> appropriate to consider for fullscreen.  Similarly, for content that uses
> relative mouse motion or requires great precision (like a first-person
> view), it would be useful to have a "mouselockable" attribute; upon a UA
> defined interaction, the mouse would be locked within the particular element
> and report relative mouse events until the user disengages the lock.
> I can imagine a variety of ways browsers could expose these features:
> overloading F11 to gray out all portions of page except those are
> fullscreenable; pressing F11 repeatedly to cycle through elements; having a
> right click option on fullscreenable elements, automatic hover borders etc.
> Any interest or reasons why this wouldn't work?
> [1]
> http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2009-June/020479.html

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