On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:24 PM, Ian Hickson<i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> Drew Wilson wrote:
>> Per section 4.8.3 of the SharedWorkers spec,
>> if a page loads a shared worker with a url and
>> name, it is illegal for any other page under the
>> same origin to load a worker with the same name

> The idea here is that if you have an app that
> does database manipulation, you might want to
> ensure there is only ever one shared worker
> doing the manipulation, so you might decide
> on a shared worker name that is in charge of
> that, and then you can be sure that you don't
> accidentally start two workers with that name
> using different copies of a script

So the name is really intended as a (lightweight) URN, but it can
default to the URL?


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