On Jan 31, 2010, at 05:08, Simon Fraser wrote:

> * disallow enterFullscreen() from a frame or iframe

This might be a problem if video sites transition their embedding boilerplate 
to an iframe in order to be able to be able to serve HTML5, Flash, ActiveX, 
etc. depending on UA without requiring the embedders to copy and paste anything 

> * show an hard-to-spoof overlay with some text that tells the user that they 
> can use the Escape key to exit fullscreen, and prevent the page from 
> capturing this keypress.

IIRC, it has been shown that at least as implemented in Flash Player, it is 
possible to draw enough distractions to make the users unable to read this 
message. Also, when the site is legitimate, it's quite annoying to have the 
overlay there.

Personally, I'd rather have to click through a once per-Origin authorization 
bar (like geolocation in Firefox) than watch the "press esc" overlay every time.

> * make the location field available to the user so that they can see the URL 
> even when in fullscreen

This defeats the point of full screen. If I want a 16:9 video to go full screen 
on a 16:9 display, I want all screen pixels to be used for the video.

> * drop out of fullscreen if navigating to another page

This would constrain slide shows do be unnecessarily Ajaxy and less linkable 
with per-slide JavaScriptless URLs.

Henri Sivonen

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