I've talked with some other folks on WebKit (Maciej and Oliver) about having
a canvas that is available to workers. They suggested some nice
modifications to make it an offscreen canvas, which may be used in the
Document or in a Worker.

Introduce an OffscreenCanvas which may be created from a Document or a
Worker context.

interface OffscreenCanvas {
                 attribute unsigned long width;
                 attribute unsigned long height;
        DOMString toDataURL (in optional DOMString type, in any... args);
        object getContext(in DOMString contextId);

When it is created in the Worker context, OffscreenCanvas.getContext("2d")
returns a CanvasWorkerContext2D. In the Document context, it returns a

The base class for both CanvasWorkerContext2D and CanvasRenderingContext2D
is CanvasContext2D. CanvasContext2D is just like a CanvasRenderingContext2D
except for omitting the font methods and any method which uses HTML
elements. It does have some replacement methods for createPattern/drawImage
which take an OffscreenCanvas. The canvas object attribute is either a
HTMLCanvasElement or an OffscreenCanvas depending on what the canvas context
came from.

interface CanvasContext2D {
        readonly attribute object canvas;

        void save();
        void restore();

        void scale(in float sx, in float sy);
        void rotate(in float angle);
        void translate(in float tx, in float ty);
        void transform(in float m11, in float m12, in float m21, in float
m22, in float dx, in float dy);
        void setTransform(in float m11, in float m12, in float m21, in float
m22, in float dx, in float dy);

                 attribute float globalAlpha;
                 attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString

        CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(in float x0, in float y0, in
float x1, in float y1)
            raises (DOMException);
        CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(in float x0, in float y0, in
float r0, in float x1, in float y1, in float r1)
            raises (DOMException);
        CanvasPattern createPattern(in OffscreenCanvas image, in DOMString

                 attribute float lineWidth;
                 attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString lineCap;
                 attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString lineJoin;
                 attribute float miterLimit;

                 attribute float shadowOffsetX;
                 attribute float shadowOffsetY;
                 attribute float shadowBlur;
                 attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString shadowColor;

        void clearRect(in float x, in float y, in float width, in float
        void fillRect(in float x, in float y, in float width, in float
        void strokeRect(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h);

        void beginPath();
        void closePath();
        void moveTo(in float x, in float y);
        void lineTo(in float x, in float y);
        void quadraticCurveTo(in float cpx, in float cpy, in float x, in
float y);
        void bezierCurveTo(in float cp1x, in float cp1y, in float cp2x, in
float cp2y, in float x, in float y);
        void arcTo(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2, in
float radius);
        void rect(in float x, in float y, in float width, in float height);
        void arc(in float x, in float y, in float radius, in float
startAngle, in float endAngle, in boolean anticlockwise);
        void fill();
        void stroke();
        void clip();
        boolean isPointInPath(in float x, in float y);

        void drawImage(in OffscreenCanvas image, in float dx, in float dy,
in optional float dw, in optional float dh);
        void drawImage(in OffscreenCanvas image, in float sx, in float sy,
in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float

        // pixel manipulation
        ImageData createImageData(in float sw, in float sh)
            raises (DOMException);
        ImageData getImageData(in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in
float sh)
        void putImageData(in ImageData imagedata, in float dx, in float dy,
in optional float dirtyX, in optional float dirtyY, in optional float
dirtyWidth, in optional float dirtyHeight]);

interface CanvasWorkerContext2D : CanvasContext2D {

interface CanvasRenderingContext2D : CanvasContext2D {
         CanvasPattern createPattern(in HTMLImageElement image, in DOMString
         CanvasPattern createPattern(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in
DOMString repetition);
         CanvasPattern createPattern(in HTMLVideoElement image, in DOMString

         // focus management
         boolean drawFocusRing(in Element element, in float xCaret, in float
yCaret, in optional boolean canDrawCustom);

        // text
                 attribute DOMString font;
                 attribute DOMString textAlign;
                 attribute DOMString textBaseline;
        void fillText(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in optional
float maxWidth);
        void strokeText(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in
optional float maxWidth);
        TextMetrics measureText(in DOMString text);

        // drawing images
        void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy,
in optional float dw, in float dh);
        void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float sx, in float sy,
in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float
        void drawImage(in HTMLVideoElement image, in float dx, in float dy,
in optional float dw, in optional float dh);
        void drawImage(in HTMLVideoElement image, in float sx, in float sy,
in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float

        void drawImage(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in float dx, in float dy,
in optional float dw, in float dh);
        void drawImage(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in float sx, in float sy,
in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float


Questions and comments are welcome.

Note that something similar did come up in December and this proposal avoids
doing any text related items in the offscreen canvas which was a concern
brought up by Robert O'Callahan at the time  (


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