I remember an article that stated that "required" was used 29 times more often than "mandatory" in instructions and specifications (WWWeb pages were mentioned as being part of the search source).

Mandatory implies that there may be reprisals for failure to comply, because, and, secondarily, such failures could lead to loss of sovereign integrity.

Required has no connotation that failure to comply will result in loss of integrity and, while cooperation may be conditional, certainly, does not intimate retribution.
On 2010-06-14 07:04, Michelangelo De Simone wrote:
Il giorno 14/giu/2010, alle ore 12.40, Ian Hickson ha scritto:

Incorrect use of "required" in HTML4-era documents also seems to be the
common problem Chrome ran into -- at the risk of starting a bikeshed
discussion, does anyone have any good suggestions for alternative names?
I believe "mandatory" would keep the same semantic and clarity "required" does.

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