Does anyone object to form input type=file
accept="audio/*;capture=microphone" using Speex as a default, as if it
were specified
accept="audio/x-speex;quality=7;bitrate=16000;capture=microphone" or
to allowing the requesting of different speex qualities and bitrates
using those mime type parameters?

Speex at quality=7 is a reasonable open source default audio vocoder.
Runner-up alternatives would include audio/ogg, which is a higher
bandwidth format appropriate for multiple speakers or polyphonic
music; audio/mpeg, a popular but encumbered format; audio/wav, a union
of several different sound file formats, some of which are encumbered;

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Salsman <>
Date: Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: The Media Capture API Working Draft
To: Ilkka Oksanen <>, Frederick Hirsch
<>, Robin Berjon <>
Cc: "" <>, Ian
Hickson <>, "Tran, Dzung D" <>

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 2:49 AM, Ilkka Oksanen <> wrote:
> 31/08/2010 03:43, ext James Salsman kirjoitti:
>> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Ilkka Oksanen
>> <> wrote:
>>> After the Media Capture split the HTML Media Capture spec has been
>>> released as a Working Draft. I would like now to propose the same
>>> for the second specification. That is the Media Capture API....
>>> please let us know if there any changes that you would see
>>> implemented before the publification.
>> What is the default audio capture format? Speex? If so, at what bit
>> rate and quality level, and how can those be adjusted?  Can you
>> please go ahead and add the format [attribute] with a specific default
>> such as format="audio/x-speex;quality=7;bitrate=16000" so that
>> implementors can have some guidance here?  Thank you.
> There is no defined default value for capture format and I'm hesitant to
> propose such thing. In a similar situation HTML WG and WHATWG were not
> able to agree on the default video codec. That would be the
> likely outcome also in here I think.

My understanding is that Speex default value has already been approved
in changes to the System Information draft which were promised by
today from the new editor of that draft.  If I'm mistaken about that,
please let me know.  If there is any contention on this question, I
would ask that the chairs resolve it by polling....

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