On 5 Feb 2011, at 16:37, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> The question is, do people want cryptographically secure random numbers for 
> crypto, or something else?  As you say, we need to understand the use cases.

If you want to use them for crypto - you need to have a very clear contract. 
Otherwise they are may well be very usable - but not for crypto. 

I.e. be very clear if you desire to follow the recommendation in something like 
FIPS P 800-90* or passes the various tests in FIPS SP 800-22 (or some other 
recognised equivalent).

As IMHO 'Then and only then' can one use it for crypto without worry. As 
otherwise it is just strong randomness.



*: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/PubsSPs.html

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