Am 09.03.2011 06:51 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:
Jonas Sicking wrote:

I'm having a little bit hard of a time figuring out what a good UI
would look like in the general case. I.e. what should the UI look like

<input type="date" id="date" name="date"
value="2011-04-01" list="datelist" exclusive>
<datalist id="datelist">
<option value="2011-04-01" label="April 1st">
<option value="2011-04-08" label="April 8th">
<option value="2011-04-09" label="April 9th">
<option value="2012-06-06" label="National Day of Sweden">

Do you allow flipping between only the months which have any available
dates in them using the next/previous month buttons in the date

That would be the idea, I guess, but there are two alternatives
regarding months that have no applicable days: either skip them or gray
them out. So in your example, when in April 2011, "Next month" button
could take you to June 2012, or it might take you to to May 2011 with
all days grayed out

It should definitely be the latter, as "Next month" taking you to somewhere else than the next month is confusing. IIRC I have seen JS date pickers behave like that, but I am sorry I don't remember where it was.

Even in a rare use case where several months are totally grayed out, the user needs the information that no dates are available there - else (s)he will assume a technical error or somewhat.

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