Am 10.03.2011 19:18 schrieb Jukka K. Korpela:
Markus Ernst wrote:

Would it cause serious issues to add the Phrasing Content category to
these three elements [ol, ul, dl] thus allowing them inside the p

I'm afraid it would, and I think that's the reason why the content model
hasn't been extended in HTML5.


Introducing a new paragraph concept, say <par> element, would not have
this problem, but it would have problems of its own. And the good old
<p> element might feel rather lonely and rejected - and oddly named.

I know it is late in the HTML5 process to propose new elements, but please consider this:

Instead of a new paragraph concept, there could also be a new concept for inline (resp. Phrasing Content) lists. The concept is actually not too new - for quotes, e.g., we've had both block level <blockquote> and an inline level <q> elements for long. Why not the same for lists? Consider this markup of Andy's use case:

<p>I always like to eat these cheeses:
 <ili>Stilton</ili>, and
 <ili>Red Lester</ili>,
but I enjoy them most with one of these biscuits:
 <ili>wheat crackers</ili>,
 <ili>rye crackers</ili>,
and some chutney.</p>

<il> stands for "inline list", <ili> for "inline list item" (it's a pity we can't reuse <li> for BC reasons). Conforming UAs would be required to ignore any content in an <il> element, except it is in an <ili> element. Like that, the above example would be perfectly readable in legacy UAs, but make sense in HTML5-capable UAs.

It would even be easy to stlye the output for legacy UAs supporting display:list-item, as this example illustrates:

I tested this example in FF 3.6, IE 8, Opera 11 and Chrome 9. The unstyled block degrades nicely in all 4 browsers, the styled one is rendered as expected except in IE 8, where it also degrades nicely.

I'd be happy to read any thoughts on this.

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