Bruce Lawson wrote:
> I'm wondering if this is an appropriate used of <details>


> .. thereby acting as a discoverable-by-anyone longdesc. (The example is
> adapted from the longdesc example at
> Note to grumpy people: I'm not trying to advocate abolishing longdesc,
> just seeeing whether details can be used as an alternative.

Interesting question. Referring to the spec, I think that you may have in fact 
uncovered a bug in the text. The spec states:

        "The user agent should allow the user to request that the details be 
shown or hidden."

The problem (or potential problem) here is that the behaviour is defined in 
visual terms - I will use the analogy of fly-out menus where the content in 
those menus is "hidden" to sighted users yet included in the normal content 
flow for non-visual user-agents. Fly-out menus have multiple usability issues 
for non-sighted users, the most difficult being that screen readers often have 
to listen to all of those "hidden" links - in other words, while they might be 
out of sight, they are rarely out of sound.

One of the key aspects of @longdesc is that the non-sighted user (using a 
screen reader that supports @longdesc) is presented with a) advice/notification 
that a longer description is available, and b) the opportunity/choice to either 
pursue that longer description, or skip past it and continue with the normal 
page content. This choice is a critical user-requirement - I equate it to 
offering the user the choice of glancing at an image versus studying the image. 
Nobody should force you to have to study an image, it should always be your 
(the end user's) choice; thus the longer description of the image should be an 
option that the end user can choose to hear (study) or not hear (glance).

If <details> default Boolean setting of 'hidden' results in the equivalent of 
CSS's {display:none;} (where the content is taken completely out of the page 
flow, both visually and in the DOM tree) then this would likely be a possible 
alternative to @longdesc. If however it is simply hidden visually, but is 
forced upon non-visual users (to listen to the description), then this 
'forcing' to hear the content would be considered unacceptable.

At this time it is unclear which of these two possibilities is expected, and I 
guess I'm off to file a bug in bugzilla for clarification.



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