Am 21.06.2011 02:16 schrieb Ojan Vafai:
It is certainly the case that some large subset of users use spaces to align
content, not to mention really care about things like two spaces after
periods, etc. One way or another, contentEditable needs to support this.

If we were starting with a clean slate, the editing behavior we want is
likely whitespace:pre-wrap + some logic about what to do when you put extra
spaces at the end of a line*. We should make sure the pre-wrap editing works
as well as possible (e.g. doesn't do any of these NBSP shenanigans), but we
have to support non-pre-wrap even if it's not the default. So, one way or
another, we need to spec this behavior.

I agree. I personnally would appreciate a "use NBSPs for consecutive spaces" setting that can be turned on or off. For BC reasons it will have to be on by default.

An author who is aware of this and able to turn this setting off, will also be aware of the possibility to apply white-space:pre-wrap to the contenteditable element. Therefore I suggest to leave this up to the author. It does not look consistent to me to apply different default values for the white-space property based on the "contenteditableness" of an element.

(At least, I would find it easier to answer the question "Why do my spaces disappear while typing?" than the question "Why does my content look different though I use the same CSS for the editor and the target page of the edited text?".)

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