On 7/5/11 5:04 PM, Michael Davidson wrote:
    If the asking for permission can happen in a context in which the
    user can't tell what's being asked for, it's a really bad idea...

Can you clarify what you mean? Requiring an in-page click doesn't mean
that the user understands either. Malicious pages can just lie in the
text. Seems like it's up to UAs to make sure users understand, and
requiring an in-page click won't help that.

Yes, I'm not saying in-page click is a solution. It works for popups, sort of, but I don't think it does for permission request notifications.

    This is the one reason that permission requests don't have that
    higher bar yet, yes.

Sadly, they do for desktop notifications. Fortunately, they do not for
rPH. :)

To be clear, I meant a higher bar than popup windows.


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