I'm not sure what to do with big5 and big5-hkscs. After generating all possible byte sequences (lead bytes 0x81 to 0xFE, trail bytes 0x40 to 0x7E and 0xA1 to 0xFE) and getting the code points for those in various browsers there does not seem to be that much interoperability.

http://html5.org/temp/big5.json has all the code points for Internet Explorer ("internetexplorer", same for big5 and hkscs), Firefox ("firefox" and "firefox-hk"), Opera ("opera" and "opera-hk"), and Chrome ("chrome" and "chrome-hk"). "internetexplorer" and "chrome" are quite close, the rest is a little further apart.

Some help as to how best to proceed would be appreciated.

Anne van Kesteren

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