Am 18.05.2012 13:09 schrieb James Graham:
On 05/18/2012 12:16 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:

2. Have there been thoughts on the scriptability of @srcset? While
sources can be added to resp. removed from <picture> easily with
standard DOM methods, it looks to me like this would require complex
string operations for @srcset.

Are there any use cases that benefit from scripting here? I wouldn't be
surprised if there are, but whoever thinks they will have such use cases
should state them clearly so that the design takes them into account.

One use case is manipulating content in a contenteditable area, e.g. in a Rich text editor. A JS-based online editor such as TinyMCE or KTML may want to offer some kind of GUI for alternative sources.

I am not sure whether this is a very important use case, as authors of online editors are usually JS experts and capable of writing complex string operations, too; but I assume the use case is at least valid.

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