Am 23.05.2012 17:21 schrieb Florian Rivoal:
Here's what I think we should do:

1) simplyfy srcset to only accept the *x qualifier

2) add support for srcset as an attribute of the <source> sub-element of
the <picture> element (in addition to src, or instead of it? I am not

Then you could do stuff like this:
<source media="(orientation:landscape)" srcset="long.jpg 1x, long2.jpg 2x">
<source media="(orientation:portrait)" srcset="tall.jpg 1x, tall2.jpg 2x">
<img src="fallback.jpg" />

Yesterday I made a similar proposal in an other thread:

I'd like to suggest that @srcset in this form would also be suitable for the <img> element, to address the optimization use case (without art direction) without the verbosity of <picture>.

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