On 2012-11-29 20:25, Adam Barth wrote:
These are supported in Chrome.  That's what causes the download.  From

Can you elaborate about what you mean by "supported"? Chrome sniffs for the type, and then offers to download as a result of that sniffing? How is that different from not sniffing in the first place?

...your comment, it's not clear to me if you are correctly reverse
engineering existing user agents.  The techniques we used to create
this list originally are quite sophisticated and involved a massive
amount of data [1].  It would be a shame if you destroyed that work
because you didn't understand it.


[1] http://www.adambarth.com/papers/2009/barth-caballero-song.pdf

Understood; but on the other hand if there's a chance to simplify things than it makes sense to discuss this, even if that would involve changing some of the implementations.

Best regards, Julian

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