Am 18.03.2013 13:27 schrieb Boris Zbarsky:
On 3/18/13 5:31 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
- Opera and Safari hide it when the field gets focus

The behavior of Safari here is platform-dependent or possibly
version-dependent.  Safari 6 on Mac doesn't hide the placeholder until
you start typing.

...when the element's value is the empty string _and_ the control is not
focused, e.g. by displaying ...

I believe the spec used to say this and got changed.  Certainly the
Gecko implementation did this and got changed.  It's worth looking into
why the changes were made before simply trying to revert them.

I had searched the list archives for "placeholder" before posting, but of course I may have missed the relevant discussion. I did not search Firefox bugs, though.

A reason for the behaviour of Firefox and Chrome may be that some user may not have read the placeholder text before focusing the control. Anyway, if this behavior lets some users think they can't even fill in the form, there must be something wrong about it. Maybe some implementer may want to include this case in their usability tests; I do not insist in discussing it at spec level.

Am 18.03.2013 17:47 schrieb Tim Streater:
> I for one find this to be extremely irritating. Workaround I was given by some kind person:
> [placeholder]:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder
>       {
>       color:     transparent;
>       }

Yes, from an author's POV I could also imagine scripting solutions to this case. Anyway it looks like a more general UI question to me.

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