Am 10.04.2013 21:14 schrieb Wesley Johnston:
Finally, apps can already solve this problem today - they know when they go into the 
background (for different permutations of "background", as Jer mentioned), and 
they can pretty trivially mute or pause their playing audio. Most of them don't.

Yes.... err... isn't this my point? Most of them (that I've encountered) aren't 
not muting themselves because they think what they're playing is so important 
that it shouldn't be stopped.

Well I as a user expect to have control on what is playing and what is muted. If I want to stop the audio or video, I actually hit the stop button or close the tab. If I focus an other tab or window or application without hitting stop or pause, I usually wish to continue listening, while working on something else.

To address your issue, UAs might provide a User setting such as "Stop audio and video playback when the page/tab is in the background", which may be eventually overridden by hitting "play" again.

What I consider really annoying about user control is, that video players usually have no "stop" button, but only a "pause" one, so the user can't stop the download process without closing or reloading the page. But this is another topic.


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