On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 10/1/13 2:11 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> How often do we expect two tabs to be talking to each other though?
> Or a page to an out-of-process subframe?
> How often do we expect MessageChannel to be used at all?

Speaking as an web developer, I've found MessageChannel to be pretty useful
when writing a complex web application because it allows you to isolate
different communication pathways and hop across multiple iframes in a
single bound (while only knowing about the next step at any one layer... it
is hard to explain why this is useful without having to dive into the app).
You can do this all on top of window.postMessage but it is more complicated
and fragile. (Due to this, I've had to write a a layer above these that
allows me to use either so that my code can work on browsers that don't
support MessageChannel but it will be easier to debug on those that do.)


>  Is that even possible on phone browsers?
> Sure is in Firefox and FirefoxOS.
>  Anyway, I'm happy to support this in principle.
> OK, good.  ;)
> -Boris

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