On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org>

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org>
> wrote:
>> I'll do that now.
> Done.
> http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/CanvasRenderedPixelSize

The wiki states:

Add a new event renderedsizechange to HTMLCanvasElement. This event does
not bubble and is not cancelable. Whenever the value that would be returned
by renderedPixelWidth orrenderedPixelHeight changes, queue a task to fire
renderedsizechange at the HTMLCanvasElement if there is not already a task
pending to fire such an event at that element.

- If there's a transition or animation that affects the canvas element,
should it receive resize events at 60fps?
- will CSS 3D transforms affect the rendered canvas size? If so, what would
the optimal resolution be if there's a rotation
- what happens if the canvas element is not in the document? Will it just
return the pixel width/height?

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