On 14 Mar 2015 05:49, "Tab Atkins Jr." <jackalm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 6:58 AM, Janusz Majnert <j.majn...@samsung.com>
> > On 13.03.2015 13:50, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> >> A big gap with native is dependable storage for applications. I
> >> started sketching the problem space on this wiki page:
> >>
> >>    https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Storage
> >>
> >> Feedback I got is that having some kind of allotted quota is useful
> >> for applications. That way they know how much they can put away.
> >> However, this clashes a bit with offering something that is
> >> competitive with native.
> >>
> >> We can't really ask the user to divide up their storage. And yet when
> >> the user asks an application to store e.g. a whole bunch of music
> >> offline we don't really want the user agent to get in the way if the
> >> user already granted persistence.
> >
> > The real question is why having a quota is useful? Native apps are not
> > controlled when it comes to storing data and nobody complains.
> Users install a relatively small number of apps, and the uninstall
> flow (which deletes their storage) is also trivial.  Users visit a
> relatively large number of web-pages (and even more distinct origins,
> due to iframes and ads), and we don't have any good notion of
> "uninstall" yet on the web; the existing flows for deleting storage
> are terrible.

First you need a notion of "install". On an android KitKat, open browser
tabs are listed in the same way as open apps, which is a first step. Should
bookmarks and desktop icons be unified in a second step to indicate "
installation"? Then, closing the tab of a non-bookmarked app would indicate
ability to remove local storage (implicit "uninstall", but still following
typical browser caching strategies). Removing the bookmark/desktop icon
would indicate then indicate explicit uninstall.


> > I think proper solution would be not to restrict the available space,
> > provide GUI for users to:
> > * see how much space an app uses (if it exceeds some preset amount)
> > * inspect the files in platform's file explorer
> Yeah, some improved UI flows along these lines would be hugely helpful
> for this kind of thing.
> ~TJ

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