Hi, all,

This is Chia-hung Tai from Mozilla. I would like to discuss a extension
specification[1] based on Media Capture and Stream. This specification is
based on a project called FoxEye[2]. You can check the use cases in [3]. I
already sent an email to public-webrtc mailing list[4]. But it is pending
due to some arguments about should we add new working item in an overloaded
WG. I am waiting WebRTC WG chairs' respond. But I would like to keep moving
on the spec. And there is plenty of WebWorker and ImageBitmap expertise
subscribed this mailing list. Looking forward to hearing from your opinion.

This specification extends the Media Capture and Streams specification to
allow JavaScript developers to process video frame data in workers on the
web applications.

I already implement a prototype based on the spec[1]. And get positive
feedbacks from Mozilla DOM peers. I think it should be standardized. You
can see the demo in [4]. Thanks

[1]: http://chiahungtai.github.io/mediacapture-worker/
[2]: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Project_FoxEye
[3]: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Project_FoxEye#Use_Cases
[4]: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webrtc/2015Jul/0074.html
[5]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prybkXsTGXY


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