Hello. I'm trying to achieve the following effect using Wicket 1.3. I want
to have a component (let's dub it "widget"), that draws a thin border around
its contents and makes it possible to fold and unfold it (pretty much like
the "Quick Contacts" and "Labels" in GMail. In the perfect scenario, I would
like each Widget subsclass to have it's own markup (like a Panel) and add
them in the parent container as <div wicket:id="widget"></div>.

I'm failing to come up with a clean concept how to do it, though. I tried to
Make it a panel that adds a border in itself, and then add everything within
that border with Widget.addComponent() instead of Component.add(), but I
fail to see how to show/hide the components - I guess I should add a
MarkupContainer within the border and add the stuff there, but then I should
reference that container withing the Widget markup too, so it should start
with <div wicket:id="border"><div wicket:id="container">...</div></div>.

Has anyone experienced the need to do that and do you have any suggestions
how to make it? I would appreciate some help a lot.
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