
I'm trying to create a foldable box component - not unlike the quick
contacts and labels boxes in gmail. I want to render some markup around a
border's contents - particulary, an "open/close" link. So far, I've made it
toggle the value of Border.setBorderBodyVisible() and it works fine.

But. I also want to skip the loading of the contents of borders, that are
initially rendered closed. I though the deal would be to just
borderBodyVisible to false and not to put any components in it at all, but
unfortunatelly wicket raises an exception that components with coresponding
names cannot be found in the hierarchy. This was not the behavior I was
expecting, since after Component.setVisible(false) it doesn't check the
markup for matching components.

Can anyone help me resolve this issue? I'm using wicket 1.3, if it matters.
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