No, state-tracking is not implemented.

Summing up eigenvalues "by hand" is not that easy for a metal.

You need to consider the different weights for different k-points, and
you need to consider that near EF some eigenvalues will not necessarily have
occupation 0/1, but better "integration methods" like TETRA or TEMP(S)
( and not the primitive "root-sampling" which you attempt) will
lead to partial occupations of those states.

For sure, SO can change the occupation of some states and I don't see
anything "bad" by that.

Am 10.12.2010 08:25, schrieb Bin Shao:
> Dear all,
> According the force theorem method, we can calculate MAE by the following 
> steps in wien2k:
>    1. nosoc-scf
>    2. x lapwso -up
>    3. x lapw2 -so -up/dn
>    4. add "SUM of EIGENVALUE" of spin-up and that of spin-dn
>    5. get the difference of the above value with different directions of 
> magnetization
> But when I intend to find the MAE contribution from different k-points, I 
> encountered some problems. I tried to sum the eigenvalues at some special 
> k-point manually from the
> case.energysodn/up files and used the fermi energy to determine the occupied 
> states. Next I sum the eigenvalue of this occupied states including spin-up 
> and spin-down and then get
> the difference of this values with different directions. In some cases, the 
> contribution to MAE at a k-points maybe very large and the reason is that 
> there may be one less
> occupied band near the fermi level in one direction than another. I have 
> check the references and found a method called state-tracking to avoid this.
> So here is my question, how does the wien2k code obtain the "SUM of 
> EIGENVALUE" in lapw2 to avoid the problem mentioned above? Please give me 
> some comments, thank you in advanced!
> Best regards,
> --
> Bin Shao, Ph.D. Candidate
> College of Information Technical Science, Nankai University
> 94 Weijin Rd. Nankai Dist. Tianjin 300071, China
> Email: binshao1118 at <mailto:binshao1118 at>
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