Well, it was 20 years ago when I did such RMTA calculations and I cannot really remember all details.

For the phase shift you have to look up the formulae and also for N1(1) I do at the moment not fully understand the details as given in the paper you cited. But for sure, all those quantities can be obtained with some modifications in atpar.f, which is part of lapw1.

My most severe problem: In the paper you quote, the DOS is clearly a DOS of an insulator. And thus N(EF)=0, and NO superconductivity. I do not understand how they come to a finite N(EF).

If superconductivity was measured experimentally, it must be due to non-stoichiometry (vacancies,..), which makes it a metal. I just see that the experimental paper even has a Sr3-xSnO formulae in the title.

Am 18.08.2022 um 16:15 schrieb zhouchao via Wien:
Dear Users of Wien2k
I want to continue to ask about the calculation of electron ion scattering matrix element < I^2 >. As I can find some details in the https://wien.zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.narkive.com/ffod74Mc/calculation-of-electron-phonon-coupling-constant.
But I still have some problem.
1.What is the atpar.f? Need to recompile lapw1, or is it just an input file? 2.As can be described by RMTA, the WIEN2K OUTPUT can get what quantities? What are the quantities that still need to be calculated?The quantity required is:δl,Nl,Nl(1),EF,N(EF). The EF,N(EF) and Nl may easily get from DOS calculation. But how to get Nl(1) and δl. As the fomula can be described in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.09.299.
Zhou Chao

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