Dear Mostefa,

For BerryPI to work python2.6 won't work. You will need python2.7. The
reason for this is BerryPI uses some library that are only available in

For your assistance,Here are the BerryPI dependencies
 - WIEN2k (tested against 11.1 Release 05/04/2011)
  - WIEN2WANNIER (tested against 0.92)
  - Python (tested against 2.7.3)
  - NumPy (tested against 1.6.2)

Having those dependencies and following the installation guide should solve
your problem. However if you need some assistance regarding BerryPI
installation, feel free to ask me.


Sheikh Jamil Ahmed
B.Sc in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Graduate Research Assistant, Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute
M.Sc Student in Physics(Thesis), Lakehead University
290 Munro St, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7A 7T1, Canada
Email : sahmed5 at

On 16 November 2012 13:27, mostefa djermouni <djermouni_mostefa at>wrote:

> Dear Oleg Rubel,
> I have tried the BerryPI code, but I have got this error message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "~/Software/BerryPI/berrypi", line 14, in <module>
>     import calculations as b_PyCalc
>   File "~/Software/BerryPI/", line 20, in <module>
>     from collections import OrderedDict as orderedDict
> ImportError: cannot import name OrderedDict
> Note: I have Python2.6
> Thanks in advence
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> Tel: +213 795 626 105
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