29.05.2013 23:58, Robert Nichol wrote:
If I submit the script for k-point parallelization lapw2 to crashes.
contents of  a case.dayfile
 n0523(1) 0.094u 0.014s 0.12 84.38%      0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
   n0523         k=11    user=0.88       wallclock=622.038
0.974u 3.769s 0:07.71 61.3%     0+0k 424+11064io 4pf+0w

Dear Robert,

It looks like lapw1 does not work at all, due to wrong setting in the file parallel_options

There should be:
setenv USE_REMOTE 0

Two months ago, we have already had a letter with this problem here in the mailing list. ("error in lapw2 - parallel" of Mar 22 2013) I'd like to suggest to developers to look why error files are empty when lapw1 has not actually worked. Maybe creation of the nonzero error file should be moved to an earlier place in lapw1para. Now, when lapw1para fails due to this wrong option of setenv, the nonzero error files are still not created, there exist in the directory old zero error files. totalexec checks testerror and thinks that everything is ok and goes to lapw2.

Best regards
  Lyudmila Dobysheva
Phys.-Techn. Institute of Ural Br. of Russian Ac. of Sci.
426001 Izhevsk, ul.Kirova 132
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