Why are you using P1? You have made everything much slower and less

Beyond this it is hard to guess.

Professor Laurence Marks
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University
Co-Editor, Acta Cryst A
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody
else has thought"
Albert Szent-Gyorgi
Dear Wien2k mailing list,

I have a problem with crash in parallel lapw1. It crash with SECLIT -
Error in Cholesky output in stderr. Looking at tail of corresponding
case.output1_2 I see:

Time for los      (hamilt, cpu/wall) :          0.8         5.6
Time for alm         (hns) :          4.2
Time for vector      (hns) :         14.8
Time for vector2     (hns) :         14.0
Time for VxV         (hns) :        211.3
Wall Time for VxV    (hns) :          2.8
 reading Afacts          -1  0.000000000000000E+000
:seclit:  estimate of singular value, factor:   0.6527E+00  0.1000E-14
:seclit:  min(sproj(ne+1:2ne))   0.3110E-02
 WARNING: INFO (Cholesky) =          679

I found some suggestions for Cholesky errors here:
however I'm quite sure my struct is OK, RKmax is default 7 (which should
be reasonable for compound with Si Ti and O) and neither can I spot any
problems in my in1 file.

This happens in second scf cycle. I'm using a LDA potential and
everything was initialized to the default in init_lapw (except for
energy seperation between core/valence which was set to -10.2 because
some Si core electrons were leaking out of MT sphere, and reduced number
of k-points).

I'm attaching my struct and in1 files. Any ideas?

Best regards
Pavel Ondračka
Wien mailing list

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