First, the WIEN2k updates page says the 17.1 contains some bug fixes to repair some severe issues found in previous versions like 16.1 [ ].  So you may want to consider using 17.1 and also apply the fixes to it found in the mailing list archive [ ].

Finally, the NN Error should be due to a nearest neighbor distance problem as Sandeep mentioned with the Gd2Cu2In_vol_ -10.0.struct file.  The atomic positions or lattice parameters (constants and/or angles) could be wrong, the RMT of atoms might need reduced (using the setrmt program), or the -10% change might be too much distortion for the structure such that you may need to use a smaller percent change (during "x optimize").

What % reduction did you use for setrmt during init_lapw (terminal) [or using "set automatically RMT and continue editing" during StructGen (w2web)]:

username@computername:~/wiendata/case$ init_lapw
 next is setrmt
Automatic determination of RMTs. Please specify the desired RMT reduction
compared to almost touching spheres.
Typically, for a single calculation just hit enter, for force minimization
use 1-5; for volume effects you may need even larger reductions.

Enter reduction in %

On 5/11/2018 9:46 PM, Arvind Kumar wrote:
Dear Prof. Blaha and Wien2k users,
                   I am trying to run volume optimization calculation on Gd2Cu2In and other related compounds but it shows error during run scf

*ERROR status in Gd2Cu2In_vol_ -10.0*
*> stop error
*NN Error*
*hup: Command not found*

I am running these calculation by Wien2k 16.1 version compiled in HP laptop having 8GB RAM and 1 TB harddisk with mkl library with ifort+ icc compiler.

thanks & regards,

Dr. Arvind Kumar

Dr. Arvind Kumar
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College
(University of Delhi)
Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi-110021
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