--- Comment #182 from Philippe Verdy <> 2010-07-22 13:18:28 
UTC ---
Note that my developement plan will NOT imply an immmediate change of the SQL
schema. At first, if only working on the frist 2 steps, no schema change is
necessary to effectively test the two functions.

Notably, you'll be able to create test pages containing lists of words
formatted as table rows using a template. You'll be able to show the words, in
one column, then the opaque (base-36 converted) sort keys in another column,
and then the visible collation-mapped string in a third column.

Then you'll include this list within a page adding the table headers and using
the existing "sortable" table class to see how they collate when sorting by the
second column, and you'll also be able to sort again on the third column, to
see that the collation-mapped string will not alter this sort order.

If all this passes, this can be deployed and immediately used in Wiktionnary
(notably French Wiktionnary) for sorting categories containing huge lists of
words, or in english Wiktionnary for use in the template that generate sort
keys for people's "Last name, first name".

This will be already a considerable progress, even if there will be no
immediate support for multiple sort orders (in Chinese).

The change of schema, where the {{defaultsort:sortkey}} parameter or the second
parameter of the [[category:page|sortkey]] link will be used effectively, so
that we no longer have to use a sortkey parameter in pages and templates can be
delayed a lot.

But the two developed functions (at least the first one
{{SORTKEY:text|locale|level}} which is a bit simpler to implement than the
second one {{COLLATIONMAP:text|locale|level}} that is a bit trickier as it
requires special handling for collation elements that are mapped to more than 1
collation weight per level) should be a lot simplified, and will be enough
tested before even thinking about reusing them for sorting pages in categories
and presenting the lists with headings.

There is a separate modification to develop for grouping category contents by
namespace. This should be developed and deployed first before even trying to
change the schema for sort keys.

In fact, the first integration for displaying categories will be to use
{{COLLATIONMAP:}} internally for displaying the headings in category pages.
This won't require any change as well for the SQL schema.

Finally, the use of {{SORTKEY:}} and the addition of new keywords for use in
category pages, that will allow a category to support multiple collations, will
happen only at the last step. Because this is the most sensitive one and this
is the only step that may finally involve a change of schema. There's much
enough work to do for building all the first integration steps, as extensive
tests in various locales will be needed, so that all wikis report their
problems with the implemented collations and their supported tailorings.

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