As owner of interwiki bot i now see:

Disabling of interwiki bots is about one row in source code of bot,
depend how ofter owners update. So 1-2 days can disable many bots, the
others shoud be blocked for a while

But there is problem now - other wikis still use classic intwrwiki
links and on still remains these links - which are outdated
and in some case with incorrect links too - and this causes interwiki
conflicts on other wikis, because bots read links in this wiki, but
cannot edit them.

And on wikidata are oudtated data, because many new articles are
created (moved and deleted) daily, but the most used platform -
pywikipedia is not ready yet for wikidata.

Bots should remove links on nonconflicted pages on and update
wikidata too, but no one was able (or willing?) to write this feature
since 30th october :-(

In next days more and more wikis will be "locked" for interwiki bots,
but these problems will remain minimally one week after this feature
exists (one week is necessary for granting bot flag on wikidata - or
should there be global bots allowed?)


"Bináris" <> schrieb:

 >2013/1/28 Amir Ladsgroup <>
 >> What is exact time of the next deployment (it and he)?
 >If you want to catch it, join #wikimedia-wikidata on IRC. It was great
 >follow it on D-day!
 >> And what time you think is best to disable interwiki bots?
 >Xqt can modify the code, but pywiki is not deployed, it is updated by
 >owners, so there is no chance to focus it on one hour. For this reason
 >would say to begin it after deployment of Wikibase as otherwise one
 >do it at least 1 or 2 days before which would cause a maintenance
 >Yes, people will try to remove iws and some of them will be put back by

> Would it also make sense to write a bot putting the remaining iws to 
> >wikidata and rmoving them from the wiki if they can be replaced by t>hem 
> from wikidata?

> Marco

Ing. Jan Dudík

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