Thank you Denny!


On 29/07/13 08:09, Denny Vrandečić wrote:
> Hi Jacobo,
> I hope you don't mind that I share the answer with the list. I think the
> answer to this question might be of general interest.
> the JavaScript creating the visualization in the browser is here:
> <>
> As you can see it is just a simple usage of HTML5 canvas.
> It requires two data files as these (careful, large):
> <>
> <>
> The first contains all items, their latlong, and their label.
> The second contains the graph, the way items are connected to each other.
> The latter two files are created by the following Python scripts, in two
> steps. First, you need to create the knowledge base. This can be done
> with the following scripts:
> <>
> Use there the script 
> <>
> Careful when you run it, it will download all Wikidata dumps. This might
> need a few free Gigabyte and a decent internet connection.
> Now, you should have the file kb.txt.gz, containing the knowledge base.
> By the way, you can also download the knowledge base as it is created
> nightly by us here:
> <>
> Finally, you will need a few scripts from here:
> <>
> Run them in the following order:
> - extracts a list of all locations and their label from the
> knowledge base
> <>
> - transforms the list to JavaScript for ready
> consumption by the Wikidata Map Interface
> <>
> - extract a list of all locations from the knowledge base
> <>
> - extracts the simple knowledge graph from the knowledge base
> <>
> - extracts the part of the simple knowledge graph that
> connects geographical items with each other (needs geo and graph)
> <>
> - transforms the geograph to JavaScript for ready
> consumption by the Wikidata Map Interface
> <>
> This should you give the two files wdlabel.js and graph.js, which will
> be called by the Wikidata Map Interface (see it's HTML source in order
> to see how).
> This process is run nightly on a machine we have standing here in the
> office. I am planning to set this up on labs, but didn't find the time yet.
> I hope this helps,
> Denny

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