On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Thad Guidry <thadgui...@gmail.com> wrote:>

> I think you mean that the display itself for instance on this page: 
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q42
> would be more useful if all Identifiers were pushed down to the bottom half 
> or different section,
> for instance, and keeping descriptor properties on the upper half ?
> (instead of the current mixing of both within the div.wikibase-listview ?

Yes. I could see a simple "Statements" vs. "External identifiers"
distinction being useful that's also reflected in the data model so
it's easier to treat these property groups in a distinct manner.
External identifiers seem as fundamentally different to me from
Wikidata-internal and Wikimedia-related properties as external links
in a Wikipedia article are from the main content. They (in the common
cases) don't tell me anything other than "There's more information
about $foo in $bar".

Whether I'm a human or a friendly machine, I might want to just look
at one set of properties or another, depending on what I'm doing, so
having them grouped in some fashion may be beneficial for both user


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