On 6/25/12, Martijn Hoekstra <martijnhoeks...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What's wrong with "Hi, thanks for your stuff. It didn't belong here,
> so we put it there for you" rather than "Hi, you put stuff here that
> didn't belong here. Bad user. Find an admin that will email your stuff
> for you through a murky procedure, so you can put it there yourself"?

I should have been clearer that if people want to spend their time
doing that, fine. But there are other things on Wikipedia that need
doing more urgently. Trans-wikiiing or moving stuff around is
laudable, but is a sideshow to the core aim of producing and improving
the quality of the online encyclopedia (as opposed to the online
travel guide or hotel guide or whatever). The problem is that this
sort of exhortation tends to fail when a volunteer workforce is
involved. And I am aware that it is possible for different online
freely licensed sites to work together in synergy, exchanging material
as needed, but it still feels like a distraction from the core


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