Dear all,

I'm writing to let you know that Sarah Stierch is no longer an employee of the 
Wikimedia Foundation.  

The Wikimedia Foundation has recently learned that Sarah has been editing 
Wikipedia on behalf of paying clients, as recently as a few weeks ago. She did 
that even though it is widely known that paid editing is frowned upon by many 
in the editing community and by the Wikimedia Foundation.

The Wikimedia Foundation values Sarah a great deal. She has been an active 
Wikipedian since 2006. She is committed to increasing dialogue between cultural 
institutions and our projects. She has worked hard to increase the presence and 
voices of women and other minorities in our projects, and she is a warm 
welcomer of new Wikipedians. Her work in Program Evaluation has been important 
and necessary. She is a good friend of many of us.

Everybody makes mistakes, and I would like to believe that the Wikimedia 
movement is a place of forgiveness and compassion. And so I ask you to respect 
Sarah's privacy at what is surely a difficult time for her, and to join me in 
wishing her every future success.

I sincerely hope that Sarah will continue her important work as a Wikipedian 
and member of the GLAM community, and I thank her for the commitment and energy 
and thoughtfulness she has brought to her work at the Foundation. 

Frank Schulenburg


Frank Schulenburg
Senior Director of Programs
Wikimedia Foundation

Cell: +1 (415) 517-0453

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum 
of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality! 

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