> what do you think about including the apropriate wiki page (if it
> exists) in mails to the list? this would allow an easy click to get
> the current status and help beeing more transparent.

fack. We should start promoting our website as I suggest we put this 
address on the posters and flyers to look up detailed info as exact 
location, schedule of the speeches etc.

Which address should we promote? ch.wikimedia.org or wikimedia.ch? Here 
we need quick decision!

It would be glad if somebody could remove the Wikimedia Swizerland 
instead of Wikimedia CH in the from-field of the mails being posted 
here. (->Michael?)

On the ch.wikimedia.org-page there are some navigation problems: 
*Wikimedia-Portal refers to the dead meta-page
*"aktuelle Ereignisse" could be better translated to "Veranstaltungen" 
and also refer to events in the past.
*"zufälliger Artikel" doesn't really make sense in this wiki.
*"Spenden" should link to a page of our own saying that donations to 
Wikimedia CH are not possible right now. People should wait another two 
weeks or support Wikimedia Foundation which can be found at ...
*Let's list the contact page and bylaws in the navigation bar

Is there a setting that German is the default language in the Navigation 
bar and so on? Users could still opt in for other languages. In the 
target group of de.wikipedia.org users (readers only) many will not have 
a sophisticated level of English.

If we promote Wikimedia day via website at least the main page and the 
Wikipedia Day description page should be available for non English 
speaking users. How do we do this? I suggest a "Hauptseite" and 
"Veranstaltungen/Wikipedia-Tag 2006"

Last but not least we should introduce our website in as many Homepages 
as possible to increase Pagerank (we don't have any yet!)

> a very efficient means of markteting would also be to include a
> maximum of four lines with currently important information we would
> like that other people should be informed of. what do you think?

If we do this let's remove Wikimediach-l@Wikipedia.org at the bottom of 
the emails. It appears already in the sender field.

> what is the address of the gep building, so we could put a link to
> gis.zh, or switzerland door to door behind it on our wiki
> (http://www.gis.zh.ch/zvv/default.asp?fromLocationId=0&toLocationId=0&new_selection=&usr=www.zvv.ch&mvu=zvv&frames=yes&start_search=yes&start=1&protocol=http%3A&lg=d&mylanguage=d&servername=fahrplan.zvv.ch&fromIsZSG=no&toIsZSG=no&AZ=&AS=&queryPageDisplayed=yes&gis1=Haltestelle&REQ0JourneyStopsS0A=1&from.0=&REQ0JourneyStopsS0ID=&gis2=Adresse&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0A=1&to.0=&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0ID=&REQ0JourneyStops1A=1&REQ0JourneyStops1G=&date=So%2C+30.04.06&wDayExt0=Mo%7CDi%7CMi%7CDo%7CFr%7CSa%7CSo&time=15%3A10&REQ0HafasSearchForw=1)?

Leonhardstrasse 34, but please do not promote this address, because it's 
not known under this address.


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