Hello everyone,

Just under two weeks to go until the Science Museum Lates event on
Wednesday 26 November. We are still looking for more volunteers to help out
at what will be a fun, lively and unusual event.

There are all sorts of things to get involved with, from helping with video
and audio, to talking to people about the Wikimedia projects, helping folks
photograph the brand new Information Age gallery for Commons or helping
people record their voice for Wikipedia.

More details, including sign-ups, can be seen here -

Thanks and regards,



Stevie Benton
Head of External Relations
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 20 7065 0993 / +44 (0) 7803 505 173

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global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the
Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

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