On 05/11/14 11:04, Rod Ward wrote:
> An article in this weeks observer (see
> http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2014/nov/01/magna-carta-800-celebrates-anniversary
> ) points out that it will be the 800th anniversary of the signing of the
> Magna Carta next year (15 June 2015) and suggests there will be various
> TV and radio programmes (and books etc) to coincide with the significant
> date.

Listening to Radio 4 this week, I learned that the document signed in
June 1215 was later repealed, and various versions followed.

Wikipedia states:


Great Charter 1297: Statute
(Image: 1297 version of Great Charter)

Edward I of England reissued the Charters of 1225 in 1297 in return for
a new tax.[104] "Constitutionally, the Magna Carta of Edward I is the
most important".[105] This version remains in Statute today (albeit with
most articles now repealed—see below).[106][107]


So, the version to celebrate is that of 1297? See you all in 2097?


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