On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Aerik Sylvan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But it sounds like maybe those of us who'd like to see this happen should
> discuss a UI (or several) for it.  I was thinking the most intuitive
> interface was a sort of "browse" type function, where for any given  group
> of categories (could just be one category), you have two result sets:
>  related categories (other categories of pages in the starting category),
> and articles at the intersection of the group.  The articles are what we
> generally think of, but the related categories gives us an intuitive way to
> navigate through category intersections.
> The articles in the group of categories are the problem we've already solved
> (mostly): they are the result from the fulltext or lucene search.  The
> related categories problem is harder,

So an interface I had that was really pleasing was that I asked the
database to find a random subset of the results, which it could do
quickly, (or I used the whole results if the initial query contained
them) and I found the set of categories which maximally bisected the
result and presented the list with a set of +/- buttons.

I.e. you search for Animal and you'd get:
Mammal[+/-] Reptile[+/-] Kittens[+/-] Taken with Canon Camera[+/-] Human[+/-]

based on the how close to 50% of the results have the suggested category.

It's not exactly a 'related category', but I thought it was very useful.

I also did a fuzzy text matching search one the category names using a
trigram index, so it was always sure to suggest Category:Cats when you
searched for Cat, or whatever.  (I did this with an ajaxy-search-while
you type, it was handy)

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