So this is the current list:

* CategoryTree
Is this really a feature that most people would use?

* Cite
Is this something that most people really use on external sites? how
popular (i'm saying this because i'm probably one of the rarer people
that don't run/need it on any of my installs)

* Confirm Edit

* DismissableSiteNotice
Again, how many people? this seems a suggestion for the sake of it,
but i guess its up to other people.

* ExpandTemplates
Is this something most sites really need?

* Gadgets
* ParserFunctions
* Renameuser

* TitleKey
Couldn't we just fix search so it was case insensitive compared to
needing to bundle something?

* Validator
There is really no need for it, unless there is a extenstion that
needs it that we are also bundlering we shouldn't just randomly stick
stuff in because "it might be nice"

* Vector

* WikiEditor
Possibly I guess, although I would actually prefer it in core compared
to a extension, I'm not a fan of how it takes a little longer to load
and the screen jumps around.

It would probably be nicer to set up ED to record stats on which
extensions get downloaded the most and then use that as a starting
point for the discussions on what to bundle.

Also have we even looked at security issues side of things? because
even if they aren't installed the files will still be sitting there on
the server unless someone deletes them from their extensions

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